
Welcome to the FunkyPinks Blog!

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Tuesday, 26 June 2012

I need more hours in the day!

Whilst I'm feeling tired I wanted to see if any other crafters out there are feeling the same as me.....

I love making jewellery and selling it online, but I wish I had more time to dedicate to it!

I work full time office hours in London and commute everyday from Birmingham (Long, boring story as to why, I'll save it for another day!) So I don't get home 'til after 7 o'clock in the evening, after eating tea I'll only have a few hours to squeeze in some crafting before I have to go to bed to get up and do it all over again the next day! I do love my job and am hoping to move closer to home fairly soon, but I find it frustrating that I can't spend as much time on my hobby as I want to!

I'd love to get some beading done on the train, but anyone on the Birmingham-Euston train will know that there's not a lot of elbow room!

I also want to spend time with my my gorgeous, loving and supportive boyfriend who is quickly running out of patience as he keeps stepping on beads and findings. My jewellery is a hobby more than a source of income and I couldn't afford to give up my job to make jewellery full time, thought it's nice to have a back up plan!

I spend a lot of time at the weekend creating new things but not as much as I'd like to; I'd love to churn out new things everyday to keep my Etsy shop fresh and my Facebook Page buzzing but it's just not possible with my current work-life balance!

Does anyone else feel the same and how do you deal with it?? Your wisdom is welcome....

Your tired FunkyPinks friend

Kirsty xxxx

P.S Don't forget to visit my Etsy Shop: http://www.etsy.com/shop/FunkyPinks

Sunday, 17 June 2012

In The Beginning...

Hmmm, this is all a bit new for me!

My name is Kirsty, I've been making my own jewellery for about half a year now and I've been amazed by the hidden online crafting community I've found! Not just jewellery making but all kinds of handmade goodies that people are so passionate about, I've found it really exciting and quite addictive networking of Facebook and creating a shop on Etsy.

I've thought of blogging before but didn't think I'd have anything interesting to say that anyone else would want to read! Over the past few weeks people have been interested in my Facebook page and pictures, not just to buy my jewellery but asking me advice on how I take photos and make certain things. So I thought... let's give blogging a try!

I want to share jewellery making techniques as I find them and feature tutorials and guides to share my passion! There's so much information out there, I want to pool all the passion and inspiration on my blog as I know there are so many people out there who share my love of crafting! Here's my first one:

Anthro Power Of 3 Tutorial

I am dying to try this! I've got all the bits and bobs just need to sit down and get stuck in!


I also want to share my experiences with other crafters trying to sell their creations online and help people out, although I will point out that I'm no expert in any sense of the word! I'm a big believer in that the more you share and explore the more success you will have.

That's all for now, I'd better get started..... in the meantime check out my Facebook page: www.facebook.com/FunkyPinks

Kirsty @ FunkyPinks x